What is an Eating Disorder?


Food is used as a coping mechanism

There are three major types of eating disorders, anorexia, bulimia and binge eating disorder. What they’ve all got in common is that the sufferer uses food and their weight as a way of coping with any problems or difficulties they might be having.

Eating disorders are a serious mental health issue

Eating disorders affect up to 5% of the population and are a serious concern. Some people wrongly dismiss them as fads or phases that teenagers go through but this is inappropriate as eating disorders can destroy lives. In fact, 10% of anorexics die of complications of the disease or suicide – this is the highest fatality ratio of any mental health disorder. Read the rest of this entry »

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10 Warning Signs that a Young Person might have Anorexia

None of these warning signs on its own means that a young person has anorexia but if they are exhibiting several of these signs then you are right to be concerned.


Restricted eating

In order to reduce their calorie intake, anorexics will typically restrict their food intake. Restricted eating can refer to limiting the quantities consumed of all types of food and / or avoiding certain food groups such as dairy or meat.

Skipping meals

Many people skip the odd meal here and there, but it can be a cause of concern if a young person is regularly skipping meals and particularly if they are skipping multiple meals each day. Read the rest of this entry »

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