Tel: 08500 1 22 555

Parent Helpline: Option 1

Sufferer Helpline: Option 2

Self-Harm Helpline: Option 3

First Contact

In all cases, we are unable to support your request for help until we have received clear details in writing.  This can take the form of an email.  We ask you to confirm in writing what your requirements are, and to give contact details.  We will then contact you to discuss the request.  This system is very important as it verifies that there have been no misunderstandings in terms of what is required and provides a record should we need to review what we were asked for.

It also provides a simple filter to avoid us chasing spurious requests by simply checking that the contact is genuine. Please be as specific as you can when describing your requirements:  include details such as whether interviews can take place by telephone or need to be in person and if any travelling will be required.

We will do our utmost to reply quickly; however, do bear in mind that we are often very busy and have to respond to those requesting help and support first. We ask you not to telephone us on the help-line numbers and that if you have been invited to speak to us by phone that you use the general enquiries telephone number only.

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