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Current Research Projects


Have you ever sought help for bulimia nervosa?

If so then please read on...

My name is Anna Turek and I am currently studying for my doctorate in Counselling and Psychotherapeutic Psychology at the University of Surrey. I would like to invite you to take part in my research project exploring the individual experience of seeking help for bulimia nervosa.

In my understanding seeking help is the first step on the journey to recovery. Often, however it can be the hardest one to make. In this respect, I believe that we can learn a lot from the experiences of those who have sought help for bulimia nervosa and their internal processes and experiences during this crucial time. Gaining this understanding may enable us to improve the ways we reach out to bulimia sufferers and consequently improve the suitability and effectiveness of the help that others will receive in the future.

This research aims to explore the individual experiences through a private one-to-one interview which will last approximately 60 minutes. Participants will also be asked to complete a consent form for the research. I am hoping to talk to between 6 and 8 people.

I am specifically seeking to recruit participants who:

• are over 18 and have been diagnosed with bulimia nervosa.
• can talk, in detail, about their experiences of seeking and receiving help for bulimia nervosa.

All interviews will take place at your convenience, at a place mutually available and agreed. If participants decide to meet at the University of Surrey interviewing room they will be reimbursed for their travel expenses at the rate of £0.40 per mile, or the price of a train ticket.
If you would like to take part in this study, would like an information sheet or have any questions, please contact me on,, or you can phone on 07810701789. At this point you are under no obligation to take part in this study. Participants can withdraw from the study at any point, up to and during the interview.

Trainee Counselling Psychologist
PsychD in Counselling and Psychotherapeutic
School of Psychology
University of Surrey
Guildford, Surrey, GU2 7XH,

Ms Anna Turek




Participant Information Sheet

PROJECT TITLE: The individual experience of seeking help for bulimia nervosa



I am a doctoral program student and I would like to invite you to take part in a research project about your experience of seeking help for bulimia nervosa. Before you decide to take part in this study, you need to understand why the research is being done and what it will involve for you. Please take the time to read the following information carefully. You can ask the researcher additional questions and talk to others about the study if you wish.

What is the purpose of the study?

This study seeks to explore your experience of seeking help for bulimia nervosa.

Why have I been invited to take part in the study?

Because you are a bulimia nervosa sufferer and you have an experience of seeking help for bulimia nervosa.

Do I have to take part?

No, you do not have to participate. You can withdraw from this study during the data collection period without giving a reason.

What will my involvement require?

You will be asked to participate in the 60 minutes interview which will be audio recorded and will take place at the University of Surrey interview room or other mutually convenient place. At this point you will be reimbursed for your travel expenses based on your train/bus ticket or mileage. The time and date of interview depends on your availability, however interviews will be scheduled during the week and will take place during daytime.

What will I have to do?

If you would like to take part please sign the research consent form. Please think of time, date and place we can meet for an interview. I will discuss it with you after you read this information sheet and sign the consent form. I will need to take your email, telephone number and address for our future contact. Additionally, if you are currently in therapy you might wish to discuss participation in this study with your therapist and seek their opinion.

What are the possible disadvantages or risks of taking part?

If there are any particularly distressing experiences connected with the research topic which you feel you have not dealt with and you think you might suffer distress while talking about this experience I would advise you reconsider proceeding with an interview as the researcher is not taking responsibility for your distress.
In case you suffer any distress after the interview I would like to offer you a follow up telephone call one month after your interview date to see how you are.

If you feel you would like a follow up phone call, please inform the researcher. 

Additionally, if you feel you might benefit from some support and/or information with regards to your eating disorder, you can contact The Beat Adult Helpline, which is open to anyone over 18, Monday to Thursday 1.30pm – 4.30pm. The telephone number is 0845 634 1414, email If you are aged 25 or under you can call the Beat Youthline on 0845 634 7650, open Monday to Thursday 1.30pm – 4.30pm or email: If you would like Beat to call you back, you can send the text message 'call back' to 07786 20 18 20. Beat will aim to get back to you within 24 hours and their number will display as 'unknown'.

Also EDA (Eating Disorder Advice), a UK national eating disorder organisation can offer valuable information and support with your eating disorder. You can contact their Sufferer Support Helpline: 01934 710679, which is open 9am-5pm weekdays; or email

You can also contact Samaritans who provide confidential support for people who are experiencing emotional distress. They are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Their free phone (from landlines) is 116 123 or you can call the number 08457 90 90 90 (call charges apply); email or you can visit your local branch for a one to one chat during their opening hours.

What are the possible benefits of taking part?

It is unlikely that you will benefit directly from this study. However, It has been well documented that the ability to express your feeling and tell your story has a beneficial effect on the individual (Cooper, 2008). Participation in this research enables you to contribute to our understanding of bulimia nervosa and has the potential to help creating future interventions and support for other bulimia sufferers.

*Cooper, M. (2008). Essential research findings in counselling and psychotherapy: The facts are friendly Sage.

What happens when the research study stops?

After the research is completed, I can email you with the summary of findings if you wish to receive the research results, please inform the researcher that you would like to be emailed the study results.

What if there is a problem?

Any complaint or concern about any aspect of the way you have been dealt with during the course of the study will be addressed; please contact Dr Dora Brown, Principal Investigator on 01483 683979, or email You may also contact the Head of School Mr Peter Hegarty on 01483 686898 or email

Will my taking part in the study be kept confidential?

Yes. All of the information you give will be anonymised so that those reading reports from the research will not know who has contributed to it.
Data will be stored securely in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998.
However, should you disclose that you or someone else is at risk then the researcher may need to report this to an appropriate authority. This would usually be discussed with you first.

Contact details of researcher and, where appropriate supervisor?

Researcher: Anna Turek Telephone number: 07810701789 Email:
Research Supervisor: Dr Dora Brown Telephone number: 01483 683979 Email:

Who is organising and funding the research?

The research is organized and funded by the researcher.

Who has reviewed the project?

The study has been reviewed and received a favourable opinion from the University of Surrey Ethics Committee.


Thank you for taking time to read this Information Sheet.













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